Contributing: Other Potential Areas
We welcome contributions other than fiction, Encyclopedia Galactica articles , or artwork, which have, so far constituted the majority of contributions to the setting.

Please contact an administrator on the forums, discord, or through the contact us form on our website if you feel you can aid the OAUP in any of the following ways:

  • Legal, Marketing, and Management ideas / skills

  • Editors (multiple languages a plus, but not required. We are international after all)

  • General feedback and suggestions for improvement

  • Computer coding skills

  • Gaming ideas

You are welcome to contribute anything- ranging from reporting broken links and typos to running a script to find issues, to offering to code new sections or tools for the website (see our history timeline, as an example), making YouTube videos explaining the setting , 3d modeling files for 3d printing, logic puzzle adventures, or anything else.

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