The universe, the totality of physical creation; generally including not only the observable universe but also that which is beyond the light-cone (although for some cosmos only means the visible cosmos). In some memeticities the cosmos also includes non-physical or supraphysical realities; while others refer to a series of cosmoses. There is also disagreement among philosophers, eschatologists and others over whether the cosmos had a beginning and whether it will have an end.
- Acosmism
- Alphaism
- Cosmic Omega Point
- Cosmic Rays - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
High energy interstellar particles that travel at relativistic speed. The 10 most abundant elements in cosmic rays are hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon, neon, nitrogen, magnesium, silicon, iron, and sulphur. Cosmic rays many sources, including local stars, supernovae, and distant galaxies, and make life hazardous for a biont in any unshielded habitat. Some cosmic rays penetrate through planetary atmospheres.
- Cosmism
- Cosmogenesis
- Cosmognosticism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Generic pantheistic or acosmist religious cosmology or philosophy popular in parts of the Sophic League which explains the universe in terms of a long series of emanations from a transcendent Godhead. Not world negating in the sense of classical gnosticism, although it shares the same baroque vision of spiritual planes of existence, gods, archetypes, and worlds beyond worlds.
- Cosmological Principle - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
The assumption that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic (the same everywhere). This assumption is central to all scientific cosmology, and ten and a half thousand years of Terragen observation has shown it to be a good approximation to the observed state of the universe.
- Cosmology - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
The study of the nature, structure, and origin of the universe; the study of the cosmos.
- Cosmopaganism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Optimistic shamanic-based belief that the whole universe is alive, and that meditation, worship and religious ceremony and celebration can be directed towards stars, nebula, galaxies, and in contemplation of interstellar distances. Popular in the Zoeific Biopolity, the Orion Federation, FAS, and elsewhere.
- Cyclic Cosmology
- Macrocosm - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
In many esoteric and occult memeticities, the cosmos as a whole, as opposed to the individual self (microcosm). Microcosm and Macrosm are said to be connected by the principle of correspondence. Physicalists deny such hypotheses
- Microcosm (metaphysical) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
In many esoteric and occult memeticities, the individual self, as opposed to the cosmos as a whole (macrocosm) Microcosm and Macrosm are said to be connected by the principle of correspondence. Physicalists deny such hypotheses.
- Microcosm (physical) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
A cosmos in miniature. Any self-contained world or universe. It may be real or virtual. Many sophonts and powers enjoy creating microcosms.
- Relative Cosmic Abundance of Elements