Muora Magnetar
Image from Steve Bowers
The Muora Magnetar, a remnant of the supernova in 8684
A type of highly active neutron star discovered during the early Information Age. Like pulsars, magnetars are a remnant of a supernova explosion.

Magnetars have magnetic fields of about 10e15 Gauss, about a thousand trillion times stronger than the a terrestrial planet's. The strong magnetic field puts the star's surface under enormous stress, causing "starquakes" and resulting high energy bursts of radiation. Individual particles inside the magnetar's crust are stretched one hundred times longer than usual.

The closest magnetar to the Inner Sphere is the remnant of the Muora Supernova in Sagittarius, which occurred in 8684 AT, after Terragen explorers arrived but before the star could be stabilised. This magnetar is at the centre of a rapidly expanding shock wave and a cloud of newly fused elements, which have formed a supernova remnant nebula which will eventually condense into stars and planets.

Certain distant magnetars observed by the Argus Array show signs of modification by intelligent civilisations, but the exact nature of those civilisations remain mysterious.

The Ties that Bind
Image from John B
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Steve Bowers, Trolligi
Initially published on 08 December 2001.

Additional Information
Updated 19/3/2024