Transcendent Being - Text by M. Alan Kazlev An entity that is distinct from physical existence, whether considered ontologically, as a supernatural or supraphysical being, or soteriologically, as a being that is no longer a part of embodied existence or samsara. The existence of a transcendent being or beings (e.g. God, Buddhas, etc.) is central to many religious memeticities, but denied by physicalist memeticities.
Transcension Prediction - Text by Anders Sandberg and M. Alan Kazlev Given the huge population of the civilized galaxy, and the fact that ascensions and transcensions are moderately common and have been going on for thousands of years, many polities and civilizations have developed some fairly reliable methods for predicting the onset of one of these events. Often this is comparable to pre- and post-singularity efforts at predicting the weather (and a large transcendence event does indeed share some conceptual characteristics with a force of nature to those watching from outside at a lower S level).
Transingularity - Text by M. Alan Kazlev [1] (archaic) SI:1 or higher [2] (archaic) pertaining to a toposophic level higher than SI:1 [3] Pertaining to relations between entities of different toposophic levels