The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Full Version: Hello
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Hello, I'm not entirely new to OA, having been reading the material for several years as inspiration.  I am new to the forum, however, and look forward to being able to talk to others about the future-possible.

My major focus is in the Cyborg Transhumanism and Vecs, being a robotics engineer for a living.

So, again, Hello all!
Welcome to the forums Nic Smile feel free to dive right in with any questions, comments and article ideas you may have!
(05-08-2017, 05:33 AM)Rynn Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the forums Nic Smile feel free to dive right in with any questions, comments and article ideas you may have!
Thank you.
Hi There - Welcome to OA!

Todd Smile
Welcome to OA!