Excellent! I wonder if this would work underground, in the deep hot biosphere.
I have noticed that Stephen Baxter is using the idea of a subterranean noosphere in his Proxima trilogy- he even calls it that.
Quotes from the article:
“I think these are arguably the most important developments in microbiology in the last couple years,” said Ned Wingreen, a biophysicist who researches quorum sensing at Princeton. “We’re learning about an entirely new mode of communication.”
“Basically, we’re observing a primitive form of action potential in these biofilms,” Süel said. “From a mathematical perspective they’re both exactly the same. It’s just that one is much faster.”
(12-27-2018, 11:00 PM)stevebowers Wrote: [ -> ]Excellent! I wonder if this would work underground, in the deep hot biosphere.
I have noticed that Stephen Baxter is using the idea of a subterranean noosphere in his Proxima trilogy- he even calls it that.
It it did, it might form the basis for, or at least be a component of,
BioGeoComputing substrates.