Found a little funny website where you can translate English into a stereotypical or comedic dialect. Tried it on a few OA articles and it gave a good chuckle.
Jackpot. Swedish Chef for the win!
Please translate the Cyberian Network article into hacker dialect and admire the masterwork.
That's supposed to be the hacker dialect? I thought it's the internet cancer dialect.
Its not so different to the l33t dialect of 00's original Cyberians XD
If you ever use the Swedish Chef dialect, expect to run into the following terms:
"Tupusupheec scele-a."
"Vurmhule-a Nexoos."
"Metesufft Ferseeun Tree-a."
And many others that are even more ridiculous. I highly recommend using this dialect on every site you visit from here on out. It'll slow down your reading speed by about an order of magnitude, but the hilarity is worth it.