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I submitted the Canon to the MoM to be preserved for eternity, so if something like a Technocalypse occurs in the enar future, OA will be remembered.
Imagine if, in OA, we found something like that in-universe, maybe Thyresta's time capsule carrying their worldbuilding project on New Montana. Wouldn't it be interesting and perhaps rather disturbing for us in the real world?

Can't read Thyresta language.
(02-02-2019, 11:27 PM)tmazanec1 Wrote: [ -> ]I submitted the Canon to the MoM to be preserved for eternity, so if something like a Technocalypse occurs in the enar future, OA will be remembered.

Cool! Thank you! Smile

I've only just had time to skim the website, but it looks like a cool and worthwhile idea on the face of it. I'm wondering if we could/should add a link to this site to our Links and Resources pages. Not sure exactly how it would fit in other than being a worthwhile cause with some SF feel to it, but maybe we could either fit it in under our news links or create a 'Misc.' or 'Cool ideas' category or the like.


Thanks- that is a great idea. I hope that a significant part of the Internet Archive survives into the deep future, so that a lot more will be known about our generation than any previous generation. Quite a lot of this information will be a bit embarrassing, perhaps.
Great idea. I have read the web and is interesting.

The salt mine thing reminds me the part of the book Last and First Men between the first and the second humanity.
I just submitted my three articles.
I would like the various contributors to submit their own. If not, would it be OK if I submitted them?
I assumed it was alright, so I submitted the Technocalypse article. What other articles would be good?
I have submitted the entire EG (boy was that a job!).
Thanks for taking this on!

ToddBig Grin