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Engineers at Boston University have come up with a way to block noise using annular acoustic metamaterials: just darn cool!

Do you have thoughts about incorporating this invention into the setting? Presumably starting from the very early timeline since this has been invented now.

It might be interesting to think how smart matter/nanotech might combine with something like this to make even more advanced sound cancelling or sound management systems.

(04-15-2019, 09:20 AM)Drashner1 Wrote: [ -> ] just darn cool!

Do you have thoughts about incorporating this invention into the setting? Presumably starting from the very early timeline since this has been invented now.

It might be interesting to think how smart matter/nanotech might combine with something like this to make even more advanced sound cancelling or sound management systems.


Yeah, later this year* I’m going to update the Antisound EG to include this passive tech. 

*Working on a few new EGs right now.
Noise cancellation would be very good with smart matter. Imagine a film of smart matter that can adjust its shape: sound hits one side and sets of a shockwave travelling at the speed of sound. Individual units in the film measure their compression and transmit that information via light (outracing the shockwave) to units further along. These units then actively behind to move in the opposite phase, cancelling out the incoming wave and absorbing it as energy.

Some will leak onwards but several cycles (and thicker membranes) will further reduce.