10-30-2013, 05:12 PM
tldr; Q-Balls serve as an efficient power source. Basically, stick a Q-Ball in a beam of protons, and you'll get 1GeV of high energy gammas and pions per proton.
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/art...9397013786 (let me know if you can't see this)
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/art...275#bID103 (ditto)
Some numbers: 10E8 watts using a 100 ton Q-Ball a few microns in diameter with a charge of 10E40. Or using 10E17 Q-Balls each with a charge of 10E6 (units of charge equal to e).
Some advantages over monopoles:
Easier to make
Easier to confine electric charges
Easier to shield from detection (electric charge can be masked, magnetic fields generally not except via superconductors)
BTW, dropping a Q-Ball into a neutron star causes it to supernova. Increasing charge on a Q-Ball = increasing energy regime in the core, e.g. a Q-Ball with a charge of ~10E60E is pretty close to GUT. This means you may be able to use a Q-Ball to make monopoles, or other artifacts of the just barely post-Big Bang universe.
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/art...9397013786 (let me know if you can't see this)
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/art...275#bID103 (ditto)
Some numbers: 10E8 watts using a 100 ton Q-Ball a few microns in diameter with a charge of 10E40. Or using 10E17 Q-Balls each with a charge of 10E6 (units of charge equal to e).
Some advantages over monopoles:
Easier to make
Easier to confine electric charges
Easier to shield from detection (electric charge can be masked, magnetic fields generally not except via superconductors)
BTW, dropping a Q-Ball into a neutron star causes it to supernova. Increasing charge on a Q-Ball = increasing energy regime in the core, e.g. a Q-Ball with a charge of ~10E60E is pretty close to GUT. This means you may be able to use a Q-Ball to make monopoles, or other artifacts of the just barely post-Big Bang universe.