I just finished watching the second season of Foundation on Apple TV. I never read the books so I can’t compare them. Overall, I thought it was a very well done space opera. My favorite aspect is the genetic dynasty of the Cleons, a triumvirate of clones of the same man at different ages of his life. Do we have any clone-run polities in OA? Anyone else watching?
Yeah the two seasons are great! I haven’t seen it all but it’s a fantastic adaption of the books and I’m glad they took many liberties with the book story … which if filmed faithfully would have made for bad television, IMO. No genetic dynasty. Not much characterization. Likely too many characters. The books were more about the “grand scope of history” and ideas, from what I remember
In OA for genetic dynasties , from what I remember ,
Clade stevens (dynasty of genetic clones)
Fedreps could possibly be considered a form of clone
And then there’s that clade of small dwarf people wearing mech suits, from earlier in the timeline , whose name I can’t remember at the moment, who used a DNI crown to transfer previous personalities
That’s right. I had forgot about Clade Stevens.