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Full Version: Random article button
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I think the EG should have a button that send you to a random EG article. This would be a fun way to discover new things and article in OA. It also doesn't strikes me as something very hard to implement.
Something like ?

Or like ?

They work differently. Random and RandomRootPage sends you directly to the destination page, meanwhile "RandomInCategory" asks you to write the title of a wiki category and the script chooses an article included in that category.

Random can choose from every "content page" and RandomRootPage exclude Subpages, the ones that are nested with a / character.

You can choose in which wiki namespace you want the random script to choose from.
This:  is choosing only from "Main" namespace because is written on the url /Especial:Aleatoria/Main
I was thinking something more like
There could also be a page which lists every single article in alphabetical order.
(08-17-2024, 12:36 AM)MiyuwiAuthor Wrote: [ -> ]There could also be a page which lists every single article in alphabetical order.

That tool does exist- it’s next to the search bar on the top right , in the EG ,with an alphabetical drop down menu that lists every article under a given letter.