The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Will the Wanderer
(Force of Nature)

Registration Date: 01-07-2020
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 10-13-2024 at 04:05 PM
Status: Offline

Will the Wanderer's Forum Info
Joined: 01-07-2020
Last Visit: 03-12-2021, 12:13 AM
Total Posts: 130 (0.07 posts per day | 0.16 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 10 (0.01 threads per day | 0.17 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 2 Days, 22 Hours, 14 Minutes
Additional Info About Will the Wanderer
Sex: Male
Location: FL-USA
Bio: Will wandered in one day and became very confused. He was far from lost, but even farther from expecting this place. Now he wanders around and tinkers. He just wants to see how it works. Oops... he didn't mean to break that.

Will the Wanderer's Signature
Will the Wanderer --aka the Wandering Will --aka the Nomad --aka Wild Will --aka Will

"Not all that wander are lost."
~JRR Tolkien