The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

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    Thread: Hycean worlds (Pyrohydrothallasic worlds in OA)
Post: RE: Hycean worlds (Pyrohydrothallasic worlds in OA...

Here is a Hycean planet with a deeply turbulent hydrogen methane atmosphere and a arean moon.
LordOther Art and Visual Media 13 199 12-04-2023, 11:56 AM
    Thread: A gaian and a arean planet walk into a bar..
Post: A gaian and a arean planet walk into a bar..

Here's some eye candy and worlds I've created for you to peruse and discuss..  First up a Gaian world I named Caamas...
LordOther Art and Visual Media 0 40 12-04-2023, 08:53 AM
    Thread: Mystery binary planet system
Post: RE: Mystery binary planet system

Cray Wrote: (04-12-2022, 10:34 PM) -- Roche World? -- It was never spelled out as such- more of double planet arrangement I believe.. although judging from the anime it was based on I'm surprised t...
LordOther Art and Visual Media 3 101 12-04-2023, 07:57 AM
    Thread: Mystery binary planet system
Post: Mystery binary planet system

This is a bit old school but I figured enough folks who grew up in the 70s and 80s might know this one.  For fun, name this binary planet system.. *Jeopardy music starts playing* https://i.postimg....
LordOther Art and Visual Media 3 101 12-04-2021, 06:54 AM
    Thread: A plethora of terrestrial planets & objects
Post: A plethora of terrestrial planets & objects

First up is the Arean Tundral world I have named Plaster of Paris..
LordOther Art and Visual Media 1 67 11-15-2021, 08:12 AM
    Thread: Tidally Locked Jovian Planet w/tail
Post: Tidally Locked Jovian Planet w/tail

Here's a tidally locked jovian planet with a tail due to being very close to its primary.
LordOther Art and Visual Media 2 54 11-08-2021, 04:54 AM
    Thread: MesoGaian - Retinal Garden World
Post: RE: MesoGaian - Retinal Garden World

Dfleymmes1134 Wrote: (11-06-2021, 04:57 AM) -- Technically it’s an image you already made but just cropped/rotated but a version of the earthrise photo would be cool too -- You mean like this? h...
LordOther Art and Visual Media 7 80 11-07-2021, 03:05 AM
  Thumbs Up Thread: Pyrothermal Aerosol Jovian (Sulfolian regime)
Post: RE: Pyrothermal Aerosol Jovian (Sulfolian regime)

Dfleymmes1134 Wrote: (11-06-2021, 03:55 AM) -- Very nice! I’m curious-would you be open to me using this as part of a rendering of orbitals in the near future? -- Sure, that wouldn't be a probl...
LordOther Art and Visual Media 3 62 11-06-2021, 05:04 AM
    Thread: Pyrothermal Aerosol Jovian (Sulfolian regime)
Post: Pyrothermal Aerosol Jovian (Sulfolian regime)

Here's my take on the chaotic and turbulent atmosphere of a tidally locked Jovian of about 700k, with a sufolian aerosol regime.  Steve I'm sure will enjoy the Northern Polar image..  https://i.pos...
LordOther Art and Visual Media 3 62 11-06-2021, 01:40 AM
    Thread: MesoGaian - Retinal Garden World
Post: RE: MesoGaian - Retinal Garden World

stevebowers Wrote: (11-05-2021, 07:44 PM) -- A fascinating idea and colour scheme. -- In case you are unfamiliar with it, here's a link to a news article concerning the idea. https://astrobiology.n...
LordOther Art and Visual Media 7 80 11-05-2021, 10:02 PM
    Thread: MesoGaian - Retinal Garden World
Post: MesoGaian - Retinal Garden World

Hello folks,  I'm back once again to drop some more images for your enjoyment and assessment.  The planet in the following images is a MesoGaian - Retinal Garden World.  Based upon the Purple Earth...
LordOther Art and Visual Media 7 80 11-05-2021, 01:07 PM
    Thread: A sampling of Arean planets
Post: A sampling of Arean planets

Hello folks, it's been awhile.  I have some Arean worlds I have been working on for a little while. The first one is a mature Arean world very much like Mars, which I nicknamed "Apple" as I was workin...
LordOther Art and Visual Media 1 66 01-08-2021, 07:34 AM
    Thread: Paludial Gaian- Erntedánkfest
Post: Paludial Gaian- Erntedánkfest

Happy Thanksgiving folks- here's a Paludial Gaian for your perusal today.  I whimsically have named it Erntedánkfest.  ;)
LordOther Art and Visual Media 2 84 11-27-2020, 04:19 AM
    Thread: Jovians (Free For Use of Public)
Post: RE: Jovians (Free For Use of Public)

stevebowers Wrote: (11-17-2020, 10:34 PM) -- These new detailed flow images are very impressive. I wonder if this method would work with non-laminar flow on tidally-locked worlds. Here are a selecti...
LordOther Art and Visual Media 20 396 11-20-2020, 12:37 PM
    Thread: Celestia Hot gas giant (Lobster Claw model)
Post: RE: Celestia Hot gas giant (Lobster Claw model)

stevebowers Wrote: (11-19-2020, 08:42 AM) -- That one in the bottom right corner is pretty chaotic. Thanks! -- Keep in mind that one in the lower right hand corner is pretty deep inside the planet'...
LordOther Art and Visual Media 3 70 11-19-2020, 09:25 AM
    Thread: Celestia Hot gas giant (Lobster Claw model)
Post: RE: Celestia Hot gas giant (Lobster Claw model)

Hi Steve, I found a paper with multiple GSMs that model the atmospheric structure of Hot Jupiters pretty well IMHO.  Here are some shots of the GSM modeling from the article, and the article is linked...
LordOther Art and Visual Media 3 70 11-19-2020, 08:13 AM
    Thread: Jovians (Free For Use of Public)
Post: RE: Jovians (Free For Use of Public)

I've been developing a new technique to add some more detail to the atmospheric dynamics using the fluid motion tool I have utilized before.  I would like some feedback on what you think.. https://...
LordOther Art and Visual Media 20 396 11-17-2020, 01:48 PM
    Thread: Jovians (Free For Use of Public)
Post: RE: Jovians (Free For Use of Public)

And today I have a HyperPyroThermal Refractian Jovian.  If anyone has a list of worlds that need some planets that need an image or two, hit me up.
LordOther Art and Visual Media 20 396 11-14-2020, 07:04 AM
    Thread: Jovians (Free For Use of Public)
Post: RE: Jovians (Free For Use of Public)

stevebowers Wrote: (11-10-2020, 07:56 PM) -- Beautiful! -- Glad you like it!  :D And here's a Sulfanian MesoThermal Jovian.
LordOther Art and Visual Media 20 396 11-13-2020, 11:55 AM
    Thread: Jovians (Free For Use of Public)
Post: RE: Jovians (Free For Use of Public)

Here's a MesoThermal Jovian I toyed with today.
LordOther Art and Visual Media 20 396 11-10-2020, 09:49 AM