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    Thread: <EG - restoration?> Early Biotech
Post: RE: <EG - restoration?> Early Biotech

Here's what I've got so far - still needs significant expansion and revision, but I cut out many of the outdated/inaccurate segments and tried to incorporate most of the above suggestions. On an un...
A. J. Garth Encyclopaedia Galactica Articles 20 352 09-04-2014, 07:32 AM
    Thread: <EG - restoration?> Early Biotech
Post: RE: <EG - restoration?> Early Biotech

I would be up for rewriting this, if no one else has already - what are some of the specific changes you guys have in mind?
A. J. Garth Encyclopaedia Galactica Articles 20 352 08-30-2014, 12:58 PM
    Thread: <EG> Muuh former minds version 0.3 + Pylons ver. 0.1
Post: RE: <EG> Muuh former minds version 0.3 + Pylons ve...

stevebowers Wrote: (08-29-2014, 06:24 AM) -- Here's a Muuh pylon, on a similar icy moon or planet somewhere in the Muuh volume -- Awesome work! What program did you use, if you don't mind me asking?
A. J. Garth Encyclopaedia Galactica Articles 17 274 08-30-2014, 12:51 PM
    Thread: Chorus Xenology
Post: RE: Chorus Xenology

Drashner1 Wrote: (08-28-2014, 12:57 PM) -- Neat images:) For the lancet eels - is the stick figure an illustration of how large they are compared to a human? Todd:) -- Oh, yeah I should have noted...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 27 536 08-29-2014, 04:34 AM
    Thread: Chorus Xenology
Post: RE: Chorus Xenology

Looking good on the Jade Chime Singer front! I've sketched up some more fauna concepts; finally got the hang of doing sketches in photoshop, so that should save quite a bit of time (and paper!) in...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 27 536 08-28-2014, 12:00 PM
    Thread: To'ul'h Prime Biota
Post: RE: To'ul'h Prime Biota

stevebowers Wrote: (08-10-2014, 10:14 PM) -- Thanks, great image! Latin and Greek will still be used in naming species, just as they are used in naming and classifying planets in OA. However there w...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 48 824 08-11-2014, 02:47 PM
    Thread: To'ul'h Prime Biota
Post: RE: To'ul'h Prime Biota

On the subject of Skywhales... I just realized I made an error in the size chart documenting the Great (Common?) Skywhale's length; it should say 200 m instead of 20. I'm still planning on getting aro...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 48 824 08-09-2014, 01:58 PM
    Thread: Chorus Xenology
Post: RE: Chorus Xenology

stevebowers Wrote: (08-03-2014, 06:06 PM) -- Actually, a reinterpretation of the Jade Chime Singers themselves would be welcome; that was one of my earlier efforts, and I'm not that keen on it. The s...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 27 536 08-04-2014, 05:11 AM
    Thread: Chorus Xenology
Post: RE: Chorus Xenology

Agreed, awesome variations on the flitterhound concept; I can really see those designs going places. I also like the red coloration, it visually differentiates them from the Jade Chime Singers a bit m...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 27 536 08-03-2014, 08:54 AM
    Thread: Chorus Xenology
Post: Chorus Xenology

Decided to move on from To'ul'h Prime for the time being and start fleshing out the biosphere of Chorus - here's a couple of images to get things rolling... "Flitterhound" - small flying/gliding ve...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 27 536 08-02-2014, 11:51 AM
    Thread: Hon'Kken/Other Neogens
Post: RE: Hon'Kken/Other Neogens

Painted over the previous sketch - still working on the background, but in the meantime I think this should be more suitable for the article:
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 12 207 07-25-2014, 04:53 AM
    Thread: To'ul'h Prime Biota
Post: RE: To'ul'h Prime Biota

Thanks! I'm really amazed how this has all taken off lately :D Going to try and do a couple more sketches/pieces to flesh out the new pages, then move on to some of the other areas that have been ...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 48 824 07-15-2014, 03:22 PM
    Thread: To'ul'h Prime Biota
Post: RE: To'ul'h Prime Biota

Excellent suggestion - here's a size chart showing pygmy and giant varieties: And a size chart comparing the spockbat, to'ul'h and shur'rooss'hur: (I don't know anything about To'ul'h linguistics...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 48 824 07-07-2014, 09:46 AM
    Thread: To'ul'h Prime Biota
Post: RE: To'ul'h Prime Biota

Some more images to keep the motor running: To'ul'h/Human size comparison: Notes: -Unless I overlooked it while researching the article, I don't think the actual dimensions of an adult To'ul'h are...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 48 824 06-24-2014, 05:30 PM
    Thread: To'ul'h Prime Biota
Post: RE: To'ul'h Prime Biota

Okay, classes are done for the year, so I should be able to start getting stuff done and submitted again. As per Steve's suggestion, here's a quick phylogenetic tree I made outlining the major groups ...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 48 824 06-15-2014, 07:29 AM
    Thread: The (late lamented) OA Metaverse Project
Post: RE: The (late lamented) OA Metaverse Project

Given the availability of game engines and professional art/game asset creation software nowadays, I think this is definitely worth exploring. I don't have much experience in this area, but I have bee...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 13 214 06-09-2014, 10:51 AM
    Thread: To'ul'h Prime Biota
Post: RE: To'ul'h Prime Biota

Been on a bit of a hiatus for a while due to classes, but I've been working on a size chart for To'ul'h Prime's skyfauna - here's what I have so far: Currently working on a redesign for the dra...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 48 824 05-18-2014, 10:35 AM
  -Published In The EG Thread: Hon'Kken/Other Neogens
Post: Hon'Kken/Other Neogens

I felt like the article for the Hon'Kken (here ( could use some images - here's an in-progress sketch showing my idea of their appearance: I'm...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 12 207 04-28-2014, 11:02 AM
    Thread: To'ul'h Prime Biota
Post: RE: To'ul'h Prime Biota

Here's a cleaned-up sketch for the Shur'rooss'shur article:
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 48 824 04-28-2014, 08:16 AM
    Thread: Diamond Network Emblem
Post: RE: Diamond Network Emblem

Drashner1 Wrote: (04-23-2014, 01:05 PM) -- I think 3D versions of these would be cool:) Unfortunately, I don't have the skills or equipment to make that happen:( Todd -- Yeah... I'm currently tr...
A. J. Garth Art and Visual Media 6 105 04-23-2014, 01:43 PM