The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Repurposing an old program
Not really. Produces more complete systems, and even places stars in a sort of sector map. It does seem to share a similar descent from Accrete (At least in spirit), though. I'm just figuring it could be used as a base to build up something better suited to hard sci-fi. Sadly, the author apparently dropped off the net some time in '04 (They apparently had a forum for a while, but that's dead, and the Wayback machine didn't archive the threads, so I can't really tell.). Apparently they did have some contact with John Dollan, so he might know what the hell happened to them.

Of course, using it for a springboard for OA-related stuff, would definitely require either judicious use of common sense (The worst issues seems to be lack of tidal locking for planets orbiting red dwarfs and moons orbiting planets that are tidally-locked. That, and the inability to prevent the generation of... rather unbelievable aliens. ), or an overhaul.

Messages In This Thread
Repurposing an old program - by FireAndDice - 09-02-2014, 03:13 PM
RE: Repurposing an old program - by stevebowers - 09-03-2014, 03:32 AM
RE: Repurposing an old program - by FireAndDice - 09-03-2014, 03:54 AM

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