The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Greetings from Planet Mazanec
Never too late to share more about yourself Smile I agree with your life goal: "leave the world a better place than when you arrived". Something simple that we can all aspire to.

Do you still work at Brendan Manor?
OA Wish list:
  1. DNI
  2. Internal medical system
  3. A dormbot, because domestic chores suck!

Messages In This Thread
Greetings from Planet Mazanec - by tmazanec1 - 11-16-2016, 02:12 AM
RE: Greetings from Planet Mazanec - by Rynn - 11-16-2016, 02:59 AM
RE: Greetings from Planet Mazanec - by tmazanec1 - 11-17-2016, 02:32 PM
RE: Greetings from Planet Mazanec - by tmazanec1 - 11-18-2016, 04:36 AM
RE: Greetings from Planet Mazanec - by tmazanec1 - 02-09-2018, 09:02 AM
RE: Greetings from Planet Mazanec - by Rhea47 - 02-12-2018, 03:14 AM

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