01-19-2017, 09:17 PM
I see black holes being used in Deep Well Industrial Zone and Hawking's Knot, so the tech to create and contain a black hole exists in OA. So is there any reason this space drive has been overlooked? Or have I overlooked it, and it is there already?
I figure if something is missing from the setting it's because it has been considered, but found to be technically unfeasible, or the evidence to its impossibility far outweighs the theory that it will work, like FTL tech.
I see black holes being used in Deep Well Industrial Zone and Hawking's Knot, so the tech to create and contain a black hole exists in OA. So is there any reason this space drive has been overlooked? Or have I overlooked it, and it is there already?
I figure if something is missing from the setting it's because it has been considered, but found to be technically unfeasible, or the evidence to its impossibility far outweighs the theory that it will work, like FTL tech.