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EZ starlifting for fun and profit
(04-09-2021, 01:07 AM)selden Wrote: Mining some stars might be almost easy due to their extremely high rotational rates


Brown dwarfs’ high surface gravity kind of cancels the benefit, as you can see with their rather low oblateness. In general, bigger stars tend to rotate faster, and a lot of A and B type stars can rotate so fast they’re close to breaking up, which means those are actually good candidates for ‘easy’ starlifting, unlike these brown dwarfs. See Dschubba in OA.

Messages In This Thread
EZ starlifting for fun and profit - by selden - 04-09-2021, 01:07 AM
RE: EZ starlifting for fun and profit - by AstroChara - 04-09-2021, 03:46 AM
RE: EZ starlifting for fun and profit - by Bear - 04-15-2021, 01:14 PM
RE: EZ starlifting for fun and profit - by selden - 04-28-2021, 09:24 PM

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