The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

I've been caught in the gravity well! + some questions!!!
Glad you’ve enjoyed yourself after falling down the rabbit hole Smile
Looks like Todd has answered your questions

I’ll just mention that the fact that individuals don’t have to perform work *at a job* anymore in order to survive, and that individuals have all their basic needs taken care of just means that they’re now free to pursue greater challenges collectively- or individually - activities that retirees do all the time (travel, volunteering for organizations, learning new skills for fun, teaching, etc… and greater challenges like.. collectively confronting/escaping from Star spanning AI gods , discovering the wonders and terrors of the wider universe, maintaining a ecologically balanced economy/society , etc
[Image: Gaylien1.png]

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RE: I've been caught in the gravity well! + some questions!!! - by Worldtree - 01-28-2023, 10:11 AM

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