The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Ahoy! Long time reader, first time caller
Hello there! Like the subject says, I've been reading OA for a good long while (found it through TVtropes back in...2009?), and seeing the most recent update  offer an invitation to participate I thought that I might as well. Don't know if I will end up contributing (I've got plenty of other projects to juggle), but I figured I could at least offer some editing (and potentially some map making) to a site that's provided me with a great deal of entertainment and inspiration over the years.
Yes, welcome, and glad to have you! There are lots of possibilities for adding more maps to the setting.
(10-04-2022, 09:47 AM)Crossroads Wrote: Yes, welcome, and glad to have you! There are lots of possibilities for adding more maps to the setting.

Early last year I had whipped up a node map of the wormhole gazeteer as it existed at the time - there's a v2 in the works to reflect the updated inner sphere relay list, though it's been stalled out for ages.
Hi - Welcome to OA! Smile


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