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Well I don't mind so long as you understand that I'm probably not going to put in the effort to respond much anymore. There's really nothing more to continue to be said, especially as we've already discussed a key point: that media hype vastly overstates new research. I'm not really sure what more you want to come from this thread other than perhaps continual debunking/explaining of news articles.
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this above but one huge piece of advice would be to stop posting news articles, they're sensationalist crap 90% of the time. What is much better is to follow the primary source, if a news article references a new peer-reviewed paper then find that paper. They don't often give the title of a paper but if it mentions an author look at their publications list on the relevant university/institutional website. If it gives a journal go to that journal website and look at their recent publications. That will be immensely more helpful to both yourself and anyone else interested in reading about new treatments.
OA Wish list:
- Internal medical system
- A dormbot, because domestic chores suck!
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You're right from now on my postings will always include scientific papers. So I looked at the publications list of
Dr. Aaron Avivi. It seems that most of his works are focused on the subterranean mole rat starting with a publication in 1999. After that he published something every year with the exception of 2000 and 2002 and it was almost always about mole rats. For example:
Methionine sulfoxide reductases and methionine sulfoxide in the subterranean mole rat (Spalax): Characterization of expression under various oxygen conditions
Transcription Pattern of p53-Targeted DNA Repair Genes in the Hypoxia-Tolerant Subterranean Mole Rat Spalax
Pronounced cancer resistance in a subterranean rodent, the blind mole-rat, Spalax: in vivo and in vitro evidence
I also found a patent for anti-cancer agents recently filed by Dr. Avivi:
Spalax fibroblast-derived anti-cancer agents
"Hydrogen is a light, odorless gas, which, given enough time, turns into people." -- Edward Robert Harrison
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I thought it would be interesting to come back to this topic a decade on, and to compare the 5-year survival rates for cancer to what the users here were expecting.
First, it seems the most optimistic predictions here (i.e. 100% five-year cancer survival rate) did not pan out.
(11-25-2014, 12:48 AM)chris0033547 Wrote: So according to the expert Ido Bachelet significant advances for various forms of cancer treatment (maybe even a cure or in other words a 100%-five-year-survival-rate for all forms of cancer?) may become possible somethere around 2020? Because the video itself was posted in 2013 and Dr. Bachelet mentions that the DNAbots in the video may become usable in humans after five years.
Another idea raised in this discussion was using regenerative medicine approaches to cancer treatment. Regenerative medicine has advanced in the last 10 years, but not by enough to enable routine organ replacement. If memory serves, the current issue is ensuring correct and sufficient vascularisation, especially in terms of things like capillary generation. I read a paper a few years ago that convincingly argued tissue engineering would allow routine organ replacement in the next 50 years.
(11-26-2014, 06:48 AM)chris0033547 Wrote: But in principle wouldn't these kind of advances in organ and tissue replacement also cause a huge leap in the treatment of most forms of cancer? Or is organ and tissue bioprinting even more complicated than cancer treatment? In that case the whole argument above wouldn't work, because then one could already cure various forms of cancer long before one could print out new organs and tissue in 3d-bioprinters.
Finally, I'd like to finish on a positive note and compare the FTL 5-year survival projections for pancreatic cancer to what they are today in the United States. If you look at the graph below, you can see 5-year survival for pancreatic cancer was projected at 10% around 2025, and around 12% in 2030. In fact, 5-year pancreatic survival rates today in USA are 13%:
(11-25-2014, 12:48 AM)chris0033547 Wrote: There is an article there, which includes a timeline for advances in cancer treatment:
At this rate, we can expect most cancer that is diagnosed sufficiently early to become mostly a chronic condition by the end of the 21st century.