05-15-2017, 12:00 AM
(05-14-2017, 06:35 PM)IA190 Wrote: Hey, I've been following this project for quite some time (I heard it on TVTropes, and the worldbuilding reddit server I used to be a part of had a link to it.) I really like the concept that you guys have got--like, a lot of fiction presents the concept of technological singularity as a blinding flash of light, or some other ambiguous "question-mark" event, while even after the singularity here, life goes on...
Anyway, I hope to contribute as a writer and an artist. If anyone wants to hit me up to see my art, I'd be happy to oblige. Literature-wise, I'm pretty happy with the concepts, given that this is all plausible and seemingly implausible (10,000 years is a lot of time for strange things to happen, I doubt people 10,000 years ago could have imagined the automobile, the smartphone, and botox injections.) Anyway, hope to be part of the adventure here.
Hi There - Welcome to OA

We'd be happy to see your art. Do you have a link to an online gallery or the like that you can post here?
As far as stories, we're always looking for new fiction set in the OA universe.
Regarding the overall look of the site - that's probably because the current site was set up some years ago (although not as far back as the 90s

Regarding the art you posted - as Rynn says that would definitely fit within the project.
Regarding your mention of pop culture references, as Rynn says we've generally moved away from that, although it would also depend on what sort of references you have in mind, how you're thinking of depicting them, and how subtle you are thinking of being about it (subtle references, 'in jokes', or 'easter eggs' are all things we enjoy). Can you provide some examples of what you have in mind and the context in which you're thinking of presenting them so we can more fully consider them, please?
Hope this helps and once again: Welcome to OA!