09-18-2017, 08:08 PM
Hi! I'm SeveralCakes. Been a fan of Orion's Arm for about a year. An aspiring science fiction author, about to embark on "Ginger Beer" with friends. Likes puns.
I have a question for more physics-inclined people than I. What would a baseline human standing on the surface of Baryos (http://www.orionsarm.com/eg-article/4609ca397f2c4) see when he/she looks up at the sky? Can baseline humans even stand on Baryos' surface (I'm not sure I'm following whether or not the neutrino star would kill them).

I have a question for more physics-inclined people than I. What would a baseline human standing on the surface of Baryos (http://www.orionsarm.com/eg-article/4609ca397f2c4) see when he/she looks up at the sky? Can baseline humans even stand on Baryos' surface (I'm not sure I'm following whether or not the neutrino star would kill them).