03-21-2018, 04:58 AM
Quote:Quite a few systems/polities/Sephirotics list their government type as "Cyber-democracy," meaning anytime a major decision is to be made, each individual citizen is able to use their DNI to contact the local noosphere and place their vote, gripes, arguments, whatever, and expect a direct and immediate response.
They're a cyberdemocracy in a universe where people's preferences, cultural leanings and basic motivations are down to whatever the Archai decides is convenient for them. I'm sure most people wouldn't care, but I find that creepy.
Quote:That's not inevitable and whatever article you've read that modosophont societies don't last I'd like to see. Either it's out of date or maybe you're misreading it and what it really means is that modosophont nations aren't stable over long periods, instead they change, fragment, merge etc.
I believe it was the article on Wildsap Reserves that made that statement. I found its description of how modosophont societies fail in a dangerous universe to be depressingly convincing.
Quote:Freedom from coercion is impossible. There will always be some level of it. I understand the fear in the abstract that there's nothing you can do, but that's true of so many things in the universe that I really find it a hard position to empathise with.
That's fine, I don't mind if you don't understand. I get a very different kind of thrill out of the setting than you do. For me, Orion's Arm is more like something out of H.P. Lovecraft than, say, Star Trek. I know I said I find it disturbing, but the "cosmic horror" vibe of the OA universe is what I find appealing about it. Just because I find Orion's Arm frightening rather than wonderful doesn't mean I'm naysaying the project (if that's what it sounds like I'm doing).
Quote:Feels like we're having this conversation three times a week lately with the same points stated over and over.
That's partly because the Orion's Arm setting can be difficult to grasp for a newcomer, particularly with all the old/outdated articles still hanging about, and partly because I don't find myself fully convinced by your arguments. As I said, it's difficult to articulate why I find the setting as unsettling as I do, but I tend to interpret the way the setting is described in the EG very differently to some of the other members.
I just have an instinctive desire to back away when I read about how intertoposophic relations tend to work, or the way the gods determine the fates of their underlings rather than the other way around. And plenty of sophonts in the setting feel the same way I do about it, as shown by the fact that people are willing to live in a place like Hyxuym.