The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Nasa can't send humans to Mars until it gets the food right
This might terrify some people but a more likely scenario is that the cuisine of such colonies would simply not include red meat or poultry. Fish from aquaculture and insect meat is far more efficient in terms of growing space and both play more important roles in a controlled ecosystem. Aquaculture is especially useful because it can be combined with hydroponics, taking up the same space but producing a greater diversity of food.

Early space colonies may base their cuisine on something closer to Japanese food, mixed with Mediterranean leafy salads with oil, rather than western diets.
OA Wish list:
  1. DNI
  2. Internal medical system
  3. A dormbot, because domestic chores suck!

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RE: Nasa can't send humans to Mars until it gets the food right - by Rynn - 03-29-2018, 09:22 AM

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