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Nasa can't send humans to Mars until it gets the food right
(03-29-2018, 12:22 PM)JohnnyYesterday Wrote: If it's just about the protein, soybeans can cover that--no eating insects required. Tofu is pretty versatile.

They've actually gotten decent at making some vegetarian "meat". I've got a friend who's a vegetarian, and I can't tell the difference between the veggie taco "meat" that he buys, and the real beef stuff. I was impressed.

I could become a vegetarian if it meant that I got to live in a beautiful O'Neill cylinder filled with greenery. Mars doesn't interest me beyond the scientific. The freaking Atacama Desert is like Southern Italy compared to Mars.

And, you know, you could always eat tofu as its own dish rather than a meat substitute like those crazy Japanese peopleĀ  Tongue

My lifelong goal: To add "near" to my "baseline" classification.

Lucid dreaming: Because who says baseline computronium can't run virches?

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RE: Nasa can't send humans to Mars until it gets the food right - by Alphadon - 03-30-2018, 02:37 AM

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