05-10-2018, 05:20 AM
(05-10-2018, 03:00 AM)Drashner1 Wrote: Thinking of short articles and options for dealing with them got me thinking about the OA Glossary.
Currently, we have it set up to display in the article listings for a number of different pages in the EG. Due to the automatic alphabetical arrangement function of the EG, this means that the Glossary usually appears somewhere down in the middle of whatever article list it is in.
I would like to make the Glossary more prominent and more consistent in its placement. With that in mind, some ideas that I started kicking around today as possible options. In no particular order:
a) Adjust the title to something like AAA-Glossary so the alphabetical function automatically places it in front of nearly all the other articles listed under each Topic. The key bit here might be the 'nearly' part since numbers or some symbols seem to auto-organize ahead of letters. But we might then use numbers (000-Glossary) or some combination of symbols (TBD-Glossary) to make this happen.
b) Place the Glossary as a link in some consistent and specific spot in the opening text of each Topic.
c) Place the Glossary in either the Design Notes or Additional Information section of each Topic page.
d) Something else I haven't thought of yet.
I'd also like to combine the main Glossary and Primer Glossary into a single thing so we don't have duplicate information floating around, but that's a different issue.
Anyway, of the options listed above, which do folks prefer? And if you have an alternative idea I haven't thought of yet (Option d), please share
IMO, I prefer option C. Strongly dislike option A.