The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Suggestion - Modosophont Illustration Page
(09-15-2013, 12:41 PM)ai_vin Wrote: Let us not forget that when I designed the Nephilim I included the idea of "lightweighting" with airsacks throughout the bones and soft tissues. A bottom heavy design could be obtained without changing the outward look just by reducing the size of the airsacks in the lower body.
I did not forget that fact (it's pointed out on Moody Globe of Vast Intent..feel free to invent other names, if you want)

..but is that adaption necessary now, as opposed to simply removing some of the tissue entirely, or placing that same spongey tissue entirely around the belly?

Looking over the description and the first drawing (the ones with clothes), I think I was a bit hasty with the proportions.
The nephilim's height but when I reconsider the actual scales involved, I probably made the shoulders and upper body too wide. The spongey gas sacks, in addition, would not necessarily make the nephilim bulge in the same places as muscles might do. More importantly, in the first drawings I did, the center of the Nephilim's balance is (probably) too high.

"Great size puts a lot of strain on the hominid bauplan so the Nephilim have made every effort at lightweighting their form to gain height. Like birds the Nephilim have smaller, more efficient organs and a system of air sacs reaching out from their lungs to fill out the volume of their bodies. This network of air passageways reaches even to inside most of their bones and out to their skin; whereas humans have a layer of fat to insulate them and store metabolic calories, the Nephilim have spongy layers of cells under their skin and around their organs that store light hydrocarbon gases. A by-product of their digestion, these gases (mostly methane) are filtered out of their guts, cleaned and passed through a branch of the air sac network to their spongy layers. Once there, colonies of neogen bacteria consume the gases and pass on the ATP they make into the Nephilim's bloodstream. Even with the Nephilim's large size dwell time for the gases is less than a week, but that is more than enough to hold them over between meals.

This system of air passageways and spongy layers has allowed a further reduction in weight by way of blood volume. Because Nephilim blood can now be resupplied with oxygen and energy carriers locally their blood flow can be reduced to most organs. There is a trade-off in this however as the other constitutes of the blood (carbohydrates, proteins, salts, etc.) are also reduced. As a result the Neplilim have much slower growth rates and less natural ability to heal from injury."

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RE: Suggestion - Modosophont Illustration Page - by Worldtree - 09-18-2013, 12:57 PM

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