11-10-2019, 07:48 AM
Welcome to the forums 
What do you mean by "full borg"? Cyborg is a walking term in OA that refers more to a lifestyle/subculture than any particular set of technologies:
Replacement organs and prosthetic organs certainly existed in the latter part of the setting's 21st century. These would increase your life expectancy, but would not make you immortal.
Medical and healthy lifestyle technologies were constantly being invented in the 21st century and beyond. But they were more effective taken earlier. In the middle of the 22nd century life expectancy for newborns was now 200. To explain this simply: imagine there are a variety of therapies which, if taken regularly, half the rate at which you age. If the baseline life expectancy is 80 then someone who starts the therapies at 40 will live for another 40*2 = 80 years, meaning they'll live until 120. A newborn taking the treatments will live 80*2 = 160 years.
You could not, and even when the hardware was invented that could scan a brain with sufficient resolution the software to emulate the brain was not good enough. There were many rather horrid errors due to this, like early uploads developing dementia like symptoms over time

(11-07-2019, 12:23 PM)mrfusion51 Wrote: Could I in this century go full borg to prevent death by old age?
What do you mean by "full borg"? Cyborg is a walking term in OA that refers more to a lifestyle/subculture than any particular set of technologies:
Replacement organs and prosthetic organs certainly existed in the latter part of the setting's 21st century. These would increase your life expectancy, but would not make you immortal.
(11-07-2019, 12:23 PM)mrfusion51 Wrote: Could I get a ai or a algorithm to make a invention to prevent me from dying?
Medical and healthy lifestyle technologies were constantly being invented in the 21st century and beyond. But they were more effective taken earlier. In the middle of the 22nd century life expectancy for newborns was now 200. To explain this simply: imagine there are a variety of therapies which, if taken regularly, half the rate at which you age. If the baseline life expectancy is 80 then someone who starts the therapies at 40 will live for another 40*2 = 80 years, meaning they'll live until 120. A newborn taking the treatments will live 80*2 = 160 years.
(11-07-2019, 12:23 PM)mrfusion51 Wrote: Could I in this century prevent death by uploading my consciousness?
You could not, and even when the hardware was invented that could scan a brain with sufficient resolution the software to emulate the brain was not good enough. There were many rather horrid errors due to this, like early uploads developing dementia like symptoms over time
OA Wish list:
- Internal medical system
- A dormbot, because domestic chores suck!