The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

A lurker on this site, decided to finally introduce myself
Thank you guys for welcoming me and taking your time to answer my questions. I asked these questions because they relate to the project that I’ve been envisioning. So the project is about like I mentioned a Isolate terragen civilization, run by a SI:6 Archai. The civilization originated from terragen Modosophonts refugees and transaps/lower archais who became disillusioned with the warring SI:6s during the version war. The ruling SI:6 of my civilization (Eir is an SI:4 at the time) is the one who lead and organize a fleet of refugees away from the Civilized Galaxy to establish E own civilization

Note: originally I was planning to keep my ruling Archai a SI:5 instead of a 6 because of the fact that E is isolate with its subject without any equal or higher Archai around to contact for help.
I am also considering to start my Archai as a Si:4 and maybe ascend E to SI:5 but like you guys mentioned it can be difficult for an Archai to leave its empire and also it very risky for a Transap/Archai to ascend which the risk of failure get bigger the higher toposophic level it is especially when it’s done independently.

So I plan the Isolate Civ to be its own “sphere”. Basically a Meta-empire(don’t know a better term to apply) that has multiple smaller meta-empire and policies within, ruled by Sophont of all S levels with nearly complete autonomy. The most powerful meta-empires are ruled by Archais that are a S level less than the ruling Archai. I also plan the civ to have its own unique and diverse cultures and clades that has evolved independently from the Main Terragen Sphere (foundation being the cultures that existed before and during the version war prior to the beginning of my civ’s exodus) as well as some variants of existing cultures/clades from the main sphere. As for reasoning of why the ruling Archai want to create a civilization separate or far away from the civilized galaxy. E wants a “sandbox” of it own, E doesn’t want to share it with other Archai of equal power to eirs. Think of it as creating your own virtual world like for example a Minecraft world in creative mode (I’m a huge gamer btw so expect gaming references  Big Grin ) but self-subtaining and evolving.
A god sim where you overview your followers/subject and their daily life as they create kingdoms, wage war, trade with each other, form new religion/ ideology, etc. but rarely intervene only when necessary. My Civ will evolve independently with minimal intervention from the ruling Archai. Ofc my ruling Archai will have a presence but it’s barely felt since most of the Civ ( about 95%) is controlled by the major empires with ruling SI:4 or SI:5 archais. There will also be some rules implemented by the ruling Archai despite it being a sandbox for eir subjects, such prohibiting ascension or transcension to the equal S level as the ruling Archai as it can lead to a power struggle, and anything concerning destructive behavior from any Transap/Archai. The Civ will have very isolationist stance until lifting it at a time close to 11k.

As for the Journey and the size of the area which the Civ is located. My plan is that the exodus fleet meet up at Sagittarius Sphere where they beginning their journey coreward. The ships will be equipped with Reactionless drives(displacement drives if the ruling Archai is a SI:4 or halo drives if a SI:5). Now my Civ will be 1000 ly diameter with the first colonized system being at the center so the area will have 500 ly radius. This mean they just need to travel 700ly-800ly to reach their destination if ofc the Civ is certainly 200-300ly away from the periphery. Now the time span of the journey could be from 777 years if traveling at 90% C to up to 707 years if traveling at 99% C without any pit stop to fuel up the ship drives. Due to not trying to break Causality or laws of physics, the trip should take a good 800 to 900 year range, including the pit stops needed ofc and that gives my Civ a huge amount of time to grow and expand. I will be honest I don’t know much so much about the requirements and conditions need to use some tech in the OA universe so definitely correct me if I made a mistake.

Let me know any suggestions or feedback you might have about my project. I am trying to be original as possible with this project so feel free to give me an advice on what should I do differently. I’m happy you guys are taking your time to my idea and I hope you like it

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RE: A lurker on this site, decided to finally introduce myself - by SolarRider - 02-07-2020, 05:45 PM

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