The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Connecting the Website and the Forums
(07-31-2020, 02:10 AM)extherian Wrote:
Quote:Would you be interested in taking part in such a project?

I would, depending on how we went about it. Having to bump articles in progress to catch the eye of an administrator wandering in is a nuisance. If we had a mega thread for stuff to update, with a backlog that was cleared on a semi-regular basis, it would be a lot easier on me and on other contributors as well. Not just for full rewrites, but for questionable paragraphs or sentences that could be swapped out for something more canon-friendly. 

Another issue that crops up for me is rewriting an article in a way that was faithful to the original, only to discover that the original is no longer considered kosher. This happened with the Tweaks, who I perceived as being extremophiles on the fringe of society, and with the Synthetics, who were depicted as having been deliberately enslaved. Again, it would be helpful to have a sanity check thread where the canonicity of certain concepts could be debated, so I wouldn't have to throw out work that was based on faulty assumptions.

See my earlier response to Everything4404.

Something like a spreadsheet (not the same spreadsheet as for suggestions - a different one) would probably work better than a thread in the forum. The forum doesn't drop things off the edge of the world as fast as the Discord, but it still does it. From our experience with things like the Suggestion Box, I'm thinking that having a thread to discuss a new article or changes to an existing article/topic would be good - the forum works well for that - but that for actual tracking status, a properly designed spreadsheet linked to the relevant subform might work best.

Perhaps we could experiment with this as part of working to update the Topic pages and then expand it to things like a spreadsheet for new articles under development or the like (for the latter we'd need to get a green light from Steve and the other Editors, but the Topic project I see as semi-separate).

As far as a sanity check thread - the General Setting Discussion can work for that. Just make a habit of checking in with the forum about what you want to do - either with a new article or an update to an existing one - before starting work on it. The discussion thread for each item can be used to hash out any canonicity issues and then you can write/update the article based on the most current info that the group has agreed to.



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RE: Connecting the Website and the Forums - by Drashner1 - 07-31-2020, 03:42 AM

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