02-06-2014, 01:39 PM
These are both quite nice and Image 1 is very close to Mockup 2.
Regarding Mockup 3, I should probably explain that one better. I'm basically seeing it as sort of a hybrid between something like the mockups you did earlier (bother, the forum won't let me load the file, it's too large) that were similar to the Eve Online webpage:
Basically a big static background image that is very iconic of OA (have some thoughts on that), with a 'window' in the center. Initially the window is a semi-transparent 'screen' that shows the OA intro text, but you can also see the background image through it. It has forward and back arrows on each side as you have here.
When you click the forward/back arrows the image slides to the side and new image takes its place. These are full on images, like the Mckendree cylinder you have here (I hadn't thought of the intro EG text (and presumably a link to the full article). I like it
). Maybe 6 or so each representing some major aspect of the setting. You can cycle through them (forward and back) using the arrows until you get back to the main one containing the intro text. The intro text and maybe others have links to other pages.
Below the main image (as you scroll down or click the Explore button at the top, which jumps you down the page) you get to the News Net (which would also have forward/back arrows to scroll between headlines that would be links to the relevant EG) and the thumbnails for the EG, V:FT, member artwork, etc. At this point the background image seques into just stars such as you have in Image 2 or maybe a nebula like the Eagle Nebula (something colorful?). The individual panels for V:FT and the other 'buttons' might have frames around them and look like they are 'floating' above the background (no idea if that is hard to do:/ - just throwing out ideas at this point).
OR (just thought of this idea).
Again, have the large, static background image ala Eve Online with a central window/frame as mentioned above (but no forward back arrows this time. Maybe have it be something like a gas giant with some moons. But the moons are terraformed or worldhoused, and maybe there are some dyson trees in orbit, and a McKendree cylinder. There's a bright point peaking up around the limb of the planet (a DWIZ) and the planet might have a belt of 'terrestrial planet' around the equator from a mass stream supported habitat platform (or maybe hexagonal plates scattered around on it?).
Over each of these 'OA iconic' bits are some kind of indicator (a red dot, a 'target', something to indicate that you should mouse over them). When you do, the central window displays an image/intro EG such as you have in this mockup for that item. When you click on it maybe it takes you to the relevant EG (unless that's a pain technically or we want to keep people on the main screen initially and have them enter the EG/setting in a more controlled fashion.
Below the main image is the same set of EG/V:FT/etc. thumbnails/links as described above. The user scrolls or jumps down to them as described above.
As mentioned, not sure how easy/hard any of this is, including creating a large scale image to act as the background. But figured I'd throw it out there.
What do y'all think?
Regarding Mockup 3, I should probably explain that one better. I'm basically seeing it as sort of a hybrid between something like the mockups you did earlier (bother, the forum won't let me load the file, it's too large) that were similar to the Eve Online webpage:
Basically a big static background image that is very iconic of OA (have some thoughts on that), with a 'window' in the center. Initially the window is a semi-transparent 'screen' that shows the OA intro text, but you can also see the background image through it. It has forward and back arrows on each side as you have here.
When you click the forward/back arrows the image slides to the side and new image takes its place. These are full on images, like the Mckendree cylinder you have here (I hadn't thought of the intro EG text (and presumably a link to the full article). I like it

Below the main image (as you scroll down or click the Explore button at the top, which jumps you down the page) you get to the News Net (which would also have forward/back arrows to scroll between headlines that would be links to the relevant EG) and the thumbnails for the EG, V:FT, member artwork, etc. At this point the background image seques into just stars such as you have in Image 2 or maybe a nebula like the Eagle Nebula (something colorful?). The individual panels for V:FT and the other 'buttons' might have frames around them and look like they are 'floating' above the background (no idea if that is hard to do:/ - just throwing out ideas at this point).
OR (just thought of this idea).
Again, have the large, static background image ala Eve Online with a central window/frame as mentioned above (but no forward back arrows this time. Maybe have it be something like a gas giant with some moons. But the moons are terraformed or worldhoused, and maybe there are some dyson trees in orbit, and a McKendree cylinder. There's a bright point peaking up around the limb of the planet (a DWIZ) and the planet might have a belt of 'terrestrial planet' around the equator from a mass stream supported habitat platform (or maybe hexagonal plates scattered around on it?).
Over each of these 'OA iconic' bits are some kind of indicator (a red dot, a 'target', something to indicate that you should mouse over them). When you do, the central window displays an image/intro EG such as you have in this mockup for that item. When you click on it maybe it takes you to the relevant EG (unless that's a pain technically or we want to keep people on the main screen initially and have them enter the EG/setting in a more controlled fashion.
Below the main image is the same set of EG/V:FT/etc. thumbnails/links as described above. The user scrolls or jumps down to them as described above.
As mentioned, not sure how easy/hard any of this is, including creating a large scale image to act as the background. But figured I'd throw it out there.
What do y'all think?