The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Proof-reading EG
Are the bold parts in the first two paragraphs in contradicion with the bold part of the last paragraph?

These rumours were quickly crushed in the first few months of emigration as, to the dismay of some refugees, the immunity of the habs was ensured solely through anachrotech. The technology of the Bracelets was far from sophisticated, from the hydroponic farms to the factories of dumb robot arms little was present that wasn't centuries out of date. However whilst many balked at this (especially the surviving cyborg factions who could rarely interface properly in their new homes) most appreciated that GAIA had fused more modern methods, materials and other processes to ensure the limited technology was highly durable and efficient.

Life in the Bracelet Band

Culturally and economically the Band remained a backwater for a long time, despite its large population size. The industry of the Bracelets was so simple (even by Dark Age standards) that fully half of the population were required to work daily to keep the basic functions running (power, food, atmospherics etc). Food production especially took up a huge share of energy and labour. 1,000 cubic meters of hydroponic and vat-tissue systems were required to feed one sophont (smaller volumes could be used but at a cost to nutrition diversity and redundancy), consequently 10-25% of the interior volume of a standard hab was given over to food. Later, as migration and trade increased in the Band this would shift as some habs became more economically specialised.

The Treaty Org took an active interest in the Bracelet Band. All of the habs were offered membership to the Org, though practically only the most powerful polities could claim any sort of influence. Mostly pressure was put on the Band by the Luna authorities to alleviate some of the suffering in the warrens by taking on more refugees. With some notable exceptions these requests were refused as the habs, despite being more advanced and comfortable, were very stretched for resources.
No, they aren't. Life in the Bracelet Band was much less advanced than what had been available before the Technocalypse, but it was still much more advanced than what was available in the Lunar Warrens.

Dated entry.

Proposed by the grandfather of Nanotechnology Dr. Richard Feynman (basis of the legendary Feynman expert system) at the First Conference of the Physics of Computation in 12 AT (1981 c.e.). A Quantum Computer is radically different from the Turing state machines that preceded the first universal operational machine 'Harvey' in 48 AT (2017 c.e.).

The basis for data in a QC is a qubit, which unlike the bit in a Turing machine which encodes either a one or a zero, encodes both possible states at the same time, a quantum superposition of 0 and 1.
Why are your posts in such a large font? I'm editing them back down to size. I've also made the QC article non-visible, can't really see what else to do with an out-of-date stub.
OA Wish list:
  1. DNI
  2. Internal medical system
  3. A dormbot, because domestic chores suck!
I think that the forum update have something related with the code [/size] that can modify the size of the words of the posts.
Link for article Ross 154 Genetekker colony missing.

Noted on the right side of this starmap...

But there's no link to it below the picture.

It also doesn't seem to listed on the master star list.

Is the article missng, or does it not exist yet?
Its first noted in the 600-699AT picture and it remains on the other pictures too.
Is this the system its referring to?

New L4

Lalande 21185
(03-04-2017, 10:40 AM)QwertyYerty Wrote: Link for article Ross 154 Genetekker colony missing. Noted on the right side of this starmap...
But there's no link to it below the picture.
It also doesn't seem to listed on the master star list.
Is the article missng, or does it not exist yet?
This article doesn't exist yet. The colony is mentioned in the Genetekker article, but it is only described as being a project that included the Martians

Quote:Is this the system its referring to?
New L4/Lalande 21185

No, Ross 154 is a separate star
It is shown on the Master Star List, but we should really have an article about it, as a very early (pre-Great Expulsion) project.

the attacker to have been a co-opted Black Angel
might be better as
the attacker seemed to have been a co-opted Black Angel

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