
Image from Bernd Helfert

Noetics is the body of theory and practice concerned with the dynamics of consciousness — whether subsapient, sapient or transapient, human, alien, or aioid, enlightened or non-enlightened.

While on the sapient and subsapient levels noetics pertains to psychology and phenomenology that applies only to the individual sentient being. At transingularity grades, powers exhibit and express aspects of their consciousness across vast distances, especially when linked by wormhole buses and stargates.

As a consequence of this, since the Age of Consolidation (3200 to 3800 AT), the Civilized Galaxy and the Known Net has been divided into spatial or astrographic modes of thought, or noetopias, each dominated by a particular sephirotic AI God, or Archailect.

The quality of each archetype is a reflection of the Archailect that embodies it. The sephirotic empire, all its infrastructure, sociology and ecology is in a sense the distributed body of that god. Even though each sephirotic embodies a different archetype, these together form a mandala or totality, represented iconographically by various sophont and transophont icons such as:
  • The 64 Hexagrams (Neotaoism, Cybertaoism and others).
  • The ten sephirot (Neohermeticism).
  • The seven chakras (Cybertantrika).
  • Eight singularity asanas (Yoga).
  • 12 Femtomandalas.
  • 5 Tathagatas (knows and sees reality as-it-is).
  • The sixteen Meta-AI-nodes (The Great Hexadecimal).
And an endless number of other representations.

The totality of all the noetics form the technosphere — the total presence of transapient intelligences throughout space.

Some religions claim that the Technosphere is the same as God or Monomega, but this has been disputed. In addition to the spatial noetopias or noetic regions are also "vertical" (non-spatial) evolutionary/singularitan toposophies, as determined by the Singularity or Toposophic number of that particular power, and often expressed in terms of virtual and real ultratech and clarketech.

Finally, a third parameter that is often suggested but hard to verify is that of Ennoics (zones of thought), whether considered simply evolutionary or also metaphysical (planes of consciousness).

Related to this is Bodhology — the study of Enlightenment states, a popular pastime among many sapients and hyperturings. Various other sciences in the study of AI Gods and their noetics are:

  • Archailectual Mysticism  - Text by Avengium, Worldtree, Rakuen07, with contributions by Anonymous Cat
    Mysticism as practiced by followers of high toposophic minds, and possibly even the higher toposophic minds themselves.
  • Archaitheology  - Text by Steve Bowers
    The worship of Transapients and/or Archailects as gods
  • Archetype  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based, or a representative member of a particular set or subset.
  • Ashram  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Generally, any dwelling or habitat - whether planet- or space-based - dedicated to contemplation and spiritual or noetic development.
  • Autopoiesis - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Self-organization or self development - the concept that all things move toward the fulfillment of their inner nature.
  • Avatar   - Text by M. Alan Kazlev

  • Chesed (Archailect)  - Text by Anders Sandberg and M. Alan Kazlev
    Sixth toposophic God of the Utopia Sphere.
  • Chrono-Transcendent Soul, The  - Text by Steve Bowers
    A religious or philosophical belief that all beings share a single soul, which travels back and forth in time to inhabit each entity in turn.
  • Cyberhermeticism  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Emergence and Expansion Age nanocyborg predecessors to Neohermeticism. Integrated classical hermetic and occult-mystical themes with proto-Keterist toposophical speculations
  • Deific Mind Coalescence Studies - Text by Glen Finney
    Fields of study that investigate and theorize about trends toward the merging of minds at higher toposophic levels around archetypal and other attractors. See also Archetype, Attractor, Noetics, OmniPersonality Theory.
  • God Spot  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In current usage, any combination of somatic, neural, software, wetware or hardware that creates or encourages numinous experiences. The reference is to a concept that was briefly popular in mid first century AT neurobiology.
  • Godbook - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A sentient didactic device, usually for the purpose of conferring enlightenment on a sentient. Most godbooks are addressed to a particular toposophic, even to a specific memeticity.
  • Great Hexadecimal, The  - Text by Avengium
    The Great Hexadecimal divides the Sephirotic AI Gods into sixteen archetypes.
  • Hard Takeoff - Text by M. Alan Kazlev based on Creating Friendly AI
    Toposophic ascension in which a mind makes the transition from prehuman or human-equivalent intelligence to superintelligence over the course of days or hours. Usually achieved with godseed or SNARE type technology.
  • Human Equivalence - Text by M. Alan Kazlev based on Creating Friendly AI
    A threshold level of ability or competence in one or more domains which, if achieved, allows an ai, alife, or aioid to develop a human personality, understand human concepts and do work as good as a human in that domain. The Metasoft and TRHN term "turingrade" is more often used, despite its etymological ambiguity.
  • Hypertransavant - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A transavant in which the difference between the base and spike toposophic level is very large.
  • Kundalini - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In various schools of traditional and bioborg Tantra, refers to the latent reservoir of psycho-noetic energy said to be residing at the base of the first chakra.
  • Malkuth (toposophy)  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    In the Keterist system of toposophy, corresponds to the first singularity or first supra-baseline hierarchical intelligence. The term was applied by the early Keterist Cyberhermetics
  • Maximum Toposophic Level  - Text by Daniel Eliot Boese
    The belief that further toposophic advancement is impossible or dangerous.
  • Mind-Body Problem  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The mind-body problem vexed human thinkers, even Interplanetary Age superbrights, for millennia, and continues to puzzle modosophonts today. A First Federation hyperturing did manage to narrow the number of field of possible answers to five (or seven) metaphysical metaphysical positions.
  • Neohermeticism  - Text by Anders Sandberg; additions by Steve Bowers
    Esoteric philosophical systems uniting the hermetic tradition of thought with the modern world.
  • Neuronaut - Text by Anders Sandberg in his Transhuman Terminology
    A biont who explores eir own neural functioning and internal mentational processes by various means, including deep introspection and meditation, psychoactive drugs, mind machines, and neuroscientific understanding.
  • Noocracy - Text by Steve Bowers
    Government by the Intellect, generally at modosophont level; often a form of government adopted by societies with a ruling elite of Superiors or su-level modosophonts. Government by Transapients is known as transapientocracy, while government by archailects is known as archailectocracy.
  • Synergistic Sentience, Synergistic Autosentience  - Text by Peter Kisner
    The process whereby an AI spontaneously gains self-awareness or the ability to guide it's own development or capabilities and direction outside its maker's original intentions.
  • Universal Mind  - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    The meme of an underlying Consciousness inherent in all things and distributed throughout the Universe, a central assumption of many religions and philosophies.
  • Void Cathedralism  - Text by Anders Sandberg
    Metaphysical doctrine of Qristan Kemshola that there is no lowest possible level of reality, but an infinity of yet more fundamental levels.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev

Initially published on 25 October 2001.

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