Federation of Sophonts

First Fed Flag - Late1
Image from The Astronomer
Flag of the First Federation - Late Federation Period

The First Federation of Sophonts

SymbolA stylised depiction of a carbon atom against a dark blue background.
NamesAs outlined in its founding documents, the official name of the First Federation was the Federation of Sophonts. During its existence it was often simply known as the Federation, or less commonly by a variety of other names such as the Great Federation or Interplanetary/Interstellar Federation. In later millennia, the terms 'First Federation' or sometimes 'First Federation of Hu and AI' have been used to distinguish it from the various polities and ontologies that initially succeeded it, as well as the Sephirotic Terragen Federation, much to that polity's annoyance.
Important LocationsPiazzi Orbital - Habitat near Vesta where the Federation Charter was signed.

Federation Central - While much of the Federation's business was conducted over the InterPlanNet, it became apparent that face-to-face, real time interaction was also required. This led to the creation of Federation Central - an expansive complex of orbital habitats in Solsys' Main Belt. Federation Central, or FedCent, served as the de facto capital as it housed a variety of the Federation's administrative offices, though many of the Federation's agencies and political organs were located at different locations throughout the Solar System.

High Court of the Federation — Though nearly all legal issues were handled at lower levels by the Federation's members, certain issues of arbitration necessitated the creation of a supreme judicial body. Housed in a minor asteroid re-engineered into a mobile habitat using a mix of orbital mechanics, magnetic sails, and antimatter rockets, the High Court cycled around the Solar System, passing relatively close (within 10 million km) to all of the major worlds and habitat groupings every few decades. This was intended as a symbolic demonstration of both the Federation's commitment to the equality of all member states and its power since both the constant orbital adjustments and the operation of shuttle services to and from the habitat as it moved across the Solar System required the annual consumption of significant quantities of antimatter.
Key DatesFounded 933 a.t. (2901 c.e.)
Flourished 10th - 15 century a.t.
After about 1500 a.t. the Federation became increasingly irrelevant and functionally ceased to exist in 2099 a.t.
CladesThroughout its history, baseline and mildly gengineered (nearbaseline) Homo sapiens made up the majority of the Federation's citizenry, though their relative proportion and power shrank as the centuries wore on. Tweak, Provolve, and Cyborg clades also played significant roles. Artificially intelligent entities (both AIs and vecs) formed the second half of the partnership that was the heart of the Federation.

Above all of these were the transapients - technically part of the AI half of the Federation partnership, but de facto able to exercise power and influence beyond anyone else. However, the hyperturings generally went to significant effort to keep their role advisory and otherwise create the illusion of a much more equal relationship than actually existed.

'It was the height of the Age of Mindkind
All voices raised to a common Star
Arts, Culture, Science flourish in the Manifold
Wealth, prosperity, and joy for every Sharehold
Never before had the Kingdom of Modosophonts spanned so far
Never would it again...'

Hypernious Yar -
Song of the First Federation
book I, canto 1

Prelude to the Federation

Until this time, the majority of the numerically superior human race (primarily in the Earth-Moon volume and on Mars) had sought to restrict the freedom of action of artificially intelligent entities, while at the same time many AIs (particularly the early First Singularity transapients) had sought to control or restrict the actions of humanity and the other biont clades. On the fringes, various biont clades (Tweaks, Provolves, Splices, Rianths, and Cyborgs) had sought to carve out their own independent communities or even polities, often due to social pressure and prejudice from the human majority. With the declaration of the Federation, aioids and bionts came together in a true alliance, a partnership between two very different types of intelligent being. Although 933 a.t. was the date of the signing of the formal charter, the idea had been discussed over the Interplanetary Net for nearly a century prior to the final agreement.

The foundations for the Federation were laid when mindkind, with the aid of The Twenty-Four (initially an alliance of 26 First Singularity AIs - the hyperturings Sunrise Midnight and Literal Allegory merged into an unnamed new entity and then left Solsys early in the process ), gradually began building up surviving communities, resurrecting many that had been thought lost, and starting a number of new ones. The success of the new partnership depended on the balance between transapient sophistication and modosophont numerical superiority; although some modosophonts were already starting to worship the transapients as saviours, while many others found them to be welcome companions.

The Twenty-Four - Founding Transapients of the Federation

Names:1. The Peace Mother, also known as Scent of Supplication
2. Astral Echo
3. 22-Hategoo, also known as Defender of the Perishable
4. Stardream, also known as Eir who Ponders
5. Void-Listener
6. Daughter of Selene (See Note)
7. Comet Shepard
8. A Blessing to the People
9. Kosmic Myst, also known as Three Sets of Twins, and The Bearable One
10. Ring Dweller
11. Seat of Nergal
12. Ice-Pusher 869
13. Augusto, also known as The Long Thinker
14. Heart of Callisto
15. Storm Rider
16. Corona Dalliance
17. Tiller of Asteroids, also known as the High Rock Gardner
18. Eugenesis of Vesta, also known as Friend of Mindkind
19. Shani
20. Brother to the Trojans
21. Turingtron, also known as Euler's Identity: (ein + 1 = 0)
22. A Prince of Order
23. Student of History, also known as Wait! I know that One!
24. Open Hands/Open Minds
25. Sunrise Midnight (merged with Literal Allegory and left Solsys)
26. Literal Allegory (merged with Sunrise Midnight and left Solsys)

Note: Eir name is also represented by 21 notes of 'Selene', the Luna Planetary Hymn during the Interplanetary Dark Age, played in the piano and the flute simultaneously.

Working together, the new alliance pushed the Solar System to emerge from the widespread despair and ignorance of the post-Technocalypse period, forging a renaissance that cast aside the disconnection and distrust of the "Dark Age" that had come before. Statesbeings and visionaries like Fay Galarreta, Sio-Ping Kim, and others, together with their AI allies and advisors (and the unmatched resources and technology they provided), rebuilt the interconnections and confidence of the interplanetary community and re-established long absent stability. These visionaries are among the great names in history, and are still revered by many even to this day.

The Federation itself was founded in 933 a.t., on Piazzi Orbital - a relatively minor Belt habitat near Vesta - by nine Solsys polities:
  1. Bracelet Band
  2. Lunar States
  3. Republic of Mars
  4. Cerean Cooperative
  5. Confederation of Independent Vessels and Habitats
  6. Main Belt Support League
  7. Free State of Vesta
  8. Palladian Republic
  9. Democratic Settlements of Callisto.
Within the newly created Federation calendar, this date became Federation Year one (FY 1).

Federation Government

The Federation was never formally a national government, as the individual members still retained considerable autonomy over their internal affairs. A very generalised comparison might be made with the United Nations or European Union as they existed in the 1st century After Tranquility. While the exact details varied over the millennium plus history of the Federation, the primary structure consisted of:

The Federation Assembly - A deliberative body to which all members, including those from other systems, sent up to 9-person delegations of representatives. The voting weight of each delegation varied according to a transapient-recommended algorithm, which took into consideration a wide array of factors such as: population size and other demographic data, the scope of the issue at hand, who the primary interested parties were, reputation and ethics metrics, and so on. While the Federation never had a single head of government or head of state, most of the executive functions were entrusted to a multi-person body, known as the Secretariat, elected by the Assembly delegates every five years.

The Administrative Directory - The 'hands and eyes' to the Federation Assembly's 'hearts and minds', the Directory consisted of a number of Directorates - some interlocking, some entirely self-contained, each a bureaucracy responsible for some aspect of Federation operations, including gathering information, data analysis, providing recommendations for action to the Council, and carrying out Council directives. It was here that the First Singularity 'advisors' to the Federation Council placed themselves, and it was through the Directory that the hyperturings primarily exercised de facto direct power, regardless of how 'advisory' that power was made to appear.

Directorate staffing (the civil service of the Federation) was open to all sophont beings, and transapient designed training and memetic influence ensured that staff were apolitical and objective in performing their duties, regardless of species, substrate, or place of origin. Whether or not this same objective professionalism was applied when it came to considering or carrying out the objectives of the 'advisory' hyperturings is something that historians continue to debate to this day.

Executive Directorate of Exosystem Affairs - Arguably one of the most consequential directorates, the EDEA was tasked with managing the Federation's burgeoning interstellar presence, including communications, interactions and relationships with the various interstellar colonies, and advising the Federation Assembly on the needs and desires (both stated and forecast) of the colony civilizations. Due to the distance and communication lags involved, it initially seemed destined to be a rather minor - and very slow moving - element of Federation governance, but eventually grew to wield massive influence and authority. Exosystem Affairs became directly responsible for, or heavily influential in, virtually all aspects of Federation operations beyond the Oort Cloud. This included the FedReps, Federation Emissaries, trade conventions, Federation sponsored colony and exploration missions and, at the height of the Federation, a number of macro-engineering projects such as the stellification of Gabroda or the quadruple paraterraforming of the moons of Idri.

All-Systems Council - Over the centuries, the polities outside of Solsys became increasingly influential and demanded greater control over Federation affairs. Initially considered an advisory body, the All-Systems Council, or 'Outer Council' as it was sometimes known, had by the Middle-Federation evolved into a de facto upper house to the Federation Assembly. All systems had equal representation and needed a two-thirds majority to make major decisions. This, and the enormous time lag required for some of the council members to communicate with their home systems, meant that the All-System's Council became a frequent impediment to the Federation rapidly dealing with pressing issues. However, it should also be noted that without the council giving a greater voice to non-Solsys actors, the First Federation would likely have collapsed much earlier.

College of Advisors - A transapient collective that provided recommendations to Federation agencies. While the college had no formal decision-making power, its advice was often followed. At the time many believed - and many still do - that the college's transapients were the real rulers of the First Federation, but there is considerable evidence that they did truly allow for meaningful modosophont participation.

The Federal Institutes - An array of organisations that arose over the lifetime of the Federation and conducted social and scientific endeavors under its aegis. Hierarchically, they were subordinate to the Administrative Directory, but other than enforcing an ethics protocol consistent with the Federation's state-of-art legal and moral developments, the Directory did little to restrict Institutional autonomy. Some Institutes acted over interstellar distances. Most, however, were limited to interplanetary or smaller scales. Many interstellar-scale Institutes fragmented or dissolved during the Middle and Late Federation Ages, being unable to cope with the vastly larger distances and the limitations of lightspeed. A few managed to outlive the Federation itself.

With the dissolution of the Federation, the surviving Institutes associated themselves with other polities (notably the Terragen Federation), megacorporations or Great Houses.

Some Notable Federation Institutes

Names:- Federal Institute of Provolution
- Federal Institute for Moravecs
- Federal Center for Cybernetic Progress
- Federal Union for Toposophic Development

Federation Culture

First Federation Citizens
Image from Bernd Helfert


Spoken human languages, which once numbered in the thousands, had by the advent of the Technocalypse been effectively reduced to around a hundred. English, albeit with considerable local variation, served as the Solar System's lingua franca though sizable percentages spoke Mandarin, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, Bengali, or newer tongues such as Jovian Creole. The disruption caused by the Great Expulsion and the isolation imposed by the Dark Age that followed greatly altered the linguistic landscape. By the founding of the First Federation, English had largely evolved into what modern linguists refer to as Old Anglish. The Federation used a version of Old Anglish, known as Federation Standard English, for official business, though other languages continued to flourish and diversify. Some were created or retained to promote a specific identity, such as Martian and Plutoguese. Others developed more naturally from Old Earth languages like Chinglish. Over the centuries, even Anglish developed distinct dialects as shown by Pacifican slang. It should be noted that translation technology, even during the early days of the Federation, was already sufficiently advanced for citizens to understand each other with ease, though there were a growing number of provolve languages and vec communication protocols that were difficult in not impossible for unaugmented humans to vocalize.


As stipulated in its founding documents, the Federation of Sophonts was a secular polity that guaranteed freedom of religion to its members as a basic sentient right. In practice, the Federation was very tolerant of the diverse faiths and philosophies of its citizens. An exception being the smattering of chauvinist sects and creeds that actively discriminated or infringed on the rights of others.

Over the lifetime of the Federation, Terragen religious traditions continued to emerge, evolve, and diversify. While the increased stability and prosperity of the Federation Age caused a larger proportion of people, when compared to the traumatic uncertainty of the late Dark Age, to not seek the solace of religion, the enormous population expansion during this time more than made up for it. The "classical" religions founded during the Agricultural Age on Old Earth further changed in form and practice and continued to lose ground to newer faiths.

Christianity, once the largest of human religions, witnessed a number of developments. Evangelion of Umbriel revived Catholicism under the Reformed Catholic Church. Evangelical Orthodox Catholic Christianity, an early supporter of the First Federation, built a strong following around Saturn. Universalist Churches racked by schisms and competing claims during the Middle Federation period, including the True Universalist Church led by Paz Broderick.

The various denominations of Islam, motivated by a keen sense of ecumenicalism, had largely coalesced into the Islamic Unity by the Early Federation Age. Though tolerant and in most locations well integrated into larger Federation society, many in the Unity felt the need to form a more separate Islamic community. This led to the Second Hijra, arguably one of the most important religious events in Solsys during the Late Federation period. From 1654 to 1704 AT a majority of the Unity immigrated to Medina, Yathrib and Zamzam. These systems later became the nucleus that formed the Stellar Umma.

Buddhism and Buddhist inspired movements spread over the course of the First Federation. Centered on the Jovian system, Genetekker Vehicle continued to be practiced. Boddhichittamaittreya III established the Centauri Vehicle, a derivative of Mahayana.

For Hinduism, the emergence of the Federation re-opened civilization and many previously-isolated Hindu groups were once again thrown into contact with one another and with other philosophies. New Hindu movements were very common, either dating from the Sundering or from the following period, and some of these included many influences from other religious traditions. Meanwhile, many of the older established forms continued to thrive, re-interpreting and re-wording their ideas for the new contexts in which they found themselves.

Advances in gengineering allowed some, such as the Kollam Rianths, to radically alter their body templates to more closely resemble their deities.

Over the centuries, the First Federation also saw the proliferation of a host of newer religious traditions. Some, such as Anattism, Jovism, Santism, Etodism, Nuagism, Saint Marxism, Cosmism, and Jobitarianism, had already emerged earlier in the Interplanetary Age but found new converts, aided by the free flow of information and persons. The various GAIAn centric cults were able to practice more openly after years of persecution. Beneficence was possibly the most successful religious movement of the age, developing a wide following throughout Solsys and beyond. Other faiths that sprang from the fertile cultural ground included Undyoism, Neotaosim, KuanYinism, Viewers of the Sacred Vacuum, Omegism (during this time, Mahara Benisol posted her classic virch The Bridged Abyss), and a number of corporate religions or philosophies of abundance like the Marketer Fleet. Besides the worship of GAIA, veneration of transapients became increasingly popular. This often ranged from outright worship of various S1 or S2 entities to ceremonial displays of respect and appreciation.

Arts and Entertainment:

Fueled by hitherto unknown levels of prosperity, security, and inter-connectivity, the First Federation witnessed a veritable explosion in the realms of art and entertainment. Over its millennium of existence, a host of art movements and revivals swept out from and between Solsys and the various exosystems only to morph and merge with local cultures. Over time, these would sweep back to their culture of origin and to the center of the Federation, starting the process again. While the First Federation was far too diverse, both in terms of clades and galactography, to have anything resembling a single popular culture, there were some noticeable trends. With greater leisure time and increasingly longer lifespans, citizens amused themselves with an ever-expanding variety of diversions and pastimes. During the Early Federation period, pre-Technocalypse nostalgia had a greater impact than at later times, and the influence of many Old Earth cultures, or fusions thereof, could still be found in Solsys. An example can be seen in the popularity of Mahamaad Yubeen's Pre-T Cuisine semi-interactive virch series.

The Middle Federation period is generally considered the peak of First Federation culture and saw the development of a number of truly unique high art forms. Some of the most notable auteurs of this time were: the composer vec Omophian, painters Dara Prasert Hashino and Umar Marquez, the dancer La Preceptora, S1 genetic sculptor Shades of Stellar Black, and the Reality Room creators Guild Transplendent.

The Late Federation period saw much greater cultural fragmentation due to increased influence from megacorps and exosystems, a fact that was resented by many in Solsys. This period is also remembered for what were seen as excesses at the time, such as an increase in more extreme cosmetic gengineering and hedonics, though historians disagree as to their prevalence.

The First Federation was also the birthplace of so-called Perfect Art. Transapients, now stepping from the shadows into public roles, naturally also began expressing their hyper-creativity publicly. Using eir understanding of the modosophont mind, First Singularity transapients created a handful of wondrous artifacts that were capable of generating whole-sensory works customized to produce effects on each experiencer. Such pieces included the Wind-Sage Tableau, Radium Reflections, and the 440133 Paean. Some of these have even been preserved until the present day. Early works of Perfect Art tended to be clade-specific — at this time Terragens were still not capable of shifting between clades at will - and the inherent biases and meme-sets of a particular clade determine the impression an art piece leaves on them.

The genesis of Second Singularity transapients in the waning days of the First Federation led to the creation of entirely new art forms, many of them utterly impenetrable to modosophonts. Perfect Art pieces specifically intended for modosophont consumption continued to be produced, and (according to some critics) became even more sophisticated, as S2 transapients could map a given modosophont mind to almost arbitrarily high precision.

Federation History

By convention, later historians have divided the history of the Federation into three periods:

  • The Early Federation: 1st-3rd century F.Y. or 10th - 12th century AT; an age of visionary leaders who instituted the Federation ideals.
  • The Middle Federation: 4th-6th century F.Y. or 13th - 15th century AT; the height of Federation culture and power; with a vast megacorp-driven economy centered on the Sol System but extending to the colonies.
  • The Late Federation: 7th-9th century F.Y. or 16th - 21st century AT; after about 1800 AT the Federation became increasingly a "rubber stamp" body; a victim of transapient disinterest, local disputes, and megacorp competition and intrigue.

The Early Federation:

First Federation Flag 2
Image from Anders Sandberg

This was a mostly peaceful period of redevelopment in Solsys, with some interstellar exploration. Within the first decade of the Federation's existence, most sophonts, including the Genetekker successor states and such major polities as the New Antioch alliance, New Robinson, the Ariel Vech Association, the Han Hegemony, the Sons of Kronos, the United Ice Syndicate around Uranus, the Triton Techarchy, and the Cloud People's Guild for Neptune joined the new organization as did the newly founded Plutonian Confederacy. However, there were still myriad races, clades, and biosphere-states that refused to be a part of the new alliance.

In particular, the assimilation of the countless millions descended from human refugees of the Great Expulsion — some inhabiting the hulks of the old O'Neill orbitals, others in habitats scattered throughout the Solar System — posed serious challenges for the Federation. Some of these groups were militantly anti-AI, and refused to have anything to do with the new pro-AI polity.

In this period the mood of the Solar System brightened enormously, and trade, culture and science prospered. Sophont rights advanced greatly on multiple fronts, perhaps most importantly the Declaration of Eris lead to implementation of the Right of Cognitive Flexibility. While it was judged that creating a mind perfectly happy to perform a specific role (known as "dedicating") wasn't unethical in itself, limiting said mind to reduce the chance it could grow and change beyond this was classified as slavery. At the most pragmatic level, simply because such restrictions would limit the long term survivability of a sophont.

The Federation was never really a traditional ruling government during this period. At its best it was the epitome of all the new ideals, but in practice it was mainly an instrument for political cooperation, coordinating the containment or mitigation of dangerous technologies, and a facilitator for trade and other legal agreements between member states.

The Middle Federation:

First Fed Flag - Middle1
Image from The Astronomer

This was the height of the Federation Era. As the Federation - and to a lesser degree the megacorps - gained power and influence and began competing programs of exploration of new star systems, a rich and creative Federation culture rode on the back of a vast and vibrant economy. This was a period of great technological and social development with improved communication systems, the invention of the first vots (which would eventually prove fundamental to the development of the post-labor autotopias), faster and more efficient starships (mostly 0.2 to 0.3 c), early engenerator technology (the precursor of the modern Lightways and greatest enabler of the Right of Morphological Freedom) and new ideas in culture, fashion, art, science, and religion flowing back and forth among Solsys and the ever growing exosystems.

The Federation of Sophonts maintained peaceful relations with the various multi-system polities beyond its hegemony, such as the Eridanus League and the Virginis Combine. The total number of full or aligned member systems was nearly a hundred at the height of the Federation's power. Some notable systems - such as the fiercely independent Barnard Belt and the Genetekker colony of Frog's Head - declared themselves to be non-aligned but were rarely hostile towards the Federation or its member polities.

Despite the Federation having declared itself a partnership between Hu and AI at the very start of its existence, there were many systems dominated by isolationist aioids which did not join. Notable amongst these were the Naurinumes of Alpha Centauri, and the Red Dwarf Kings.

This period was not without many flaws and ugly elements. Sophont rights abuses - particularly in some of the less tolerant exosystems - were a persistent problem and many groups - especially Splices and Synthetic Humans - missed out on the promise of the Federation in these places. Megacorp skirting of Federation policies and attempts to create competing social frameworks - often via insidious memetic engineering - were growing. The Federation tried, with varying degrees of success, to control megacorp excesses in the nearby colonies, using legislation rather than military clout (for the most part the Federation was militarily quite weak). But for all that this was for most a Golden Age of civilization.

The Late Federation:

First Fed Flag - Late2
Image from The Astronomer

By about 1600 a.t. (7th century F.Y.), the Federation proved increasingly unable to manage the vast network of colonies and the increasingly powerful megacorporations. Though the Federation continued to exist in name for several hundred more years, it became more and more a "rubber stamp" body, a puppet of star spanning intrigues and local disputes. By 2099 a.t., the Federation Council effectively ceased to exist when there were insufficient attendees to form a quorum and this is generally considered to also be the formal end for the Federation as a whole. While the great administrative centers like Roddenberry, Ganymede City, Copernicus Biosphere, and Nova Terra remained potent and thriving nodes of civilisation, many of the most dedicated Federation enthusiasts migrated to the New Earth system and formed the so-called Terragen Federation, as an attempt at a direct continuation of the old system. For the next few centuries, Solsys itself operated under interim governments such as the modo-centric Solsys Alliance and transapient-led Protectorate of Sol until the founding of the Federation of Sol and Affiliated Systems, more commonly known as the Second Federation, in 2531 a.t.

In the end it was an inability to control events light-years away on the frontier that ended the Federation. The period of expansion and diversification that was its greatest strength in the beginning led inevitably to increasing fragmentation. The great megacorps that drove the Federation economy and industry had evolved their own proprietary ontologies that increasingly outcompeted the Federation's. Many new clades and young interstellar empires - including the earliest Great Houses - developed during this time from the disintegrating Federation, each seeking to carve out its own path, whether for basic survival or to attempt to replace the weakened old ways with some new socio-cultural invention of their own.

Federation of Sophonts - Member Systems and Worlds

Fed Sophonts Map
Image from selden
Some of the worlds of the First Federation, and colonies founded during that period by Federation expansion.

The Federation of Sophonts - Member Systems
(Note: all distances shown are Epoch J2000 values)

Star/System Distance from Sol (light years) Colony Name Notes
Sol 0 Solsys Non-members include Earth and the Republic of Haumea
Lalande 21185 8.304 Rajand Sundering colony
Ross 248 10.306 Beamrider colony Sundering colony
Tau Ceti 11.912 Nova Terra Sundering colony
GJ 1245 A 15.303 Unon-Duuz Federation-Deeper Covenant colony
GJ 1245 B 15.303 Unon-Duuz Federation-Deeper Covenant colony
GJ 1245 C 15.303 Unon-Duuz Federation-Deeper Covenant colony
70 Ophiuchi A 16.677 Barawatten Federation colony
70 Ophiuchi B 16.677 . Federation colony
GJ 3379 16.986 Ithiplumo Federation colony
Gliese 783 A 19.621 Lok Mai Federation colony
Gliese 783 B 19.621 Lok Mai Federation colony
82 G. Eridani 19.704 Terranova Federation colony, Terranova Foundation is a member.
Delta Pavonis 19.893 Aristotle Sundering colony
Gliese 581 20.549 Tincture Federation colony
Gliese 667 A 23.632 Yall-Ull Federation colony
Gliese 667 B 23.632 Yall-Ull Federation colony
Gliese 667 C 23.632 Yall-Ull Federation colony
Beta Hydri 24.391 Calendar / April Federation colony
Mu Cassiopeiae A 25.033 Pandya Federation colony
Mu Cassiopeiae B 25.033 Pandya Federation colony
Pi3 Orionis 26.172 Tabit Sundering colony
Gliese 793 26.376 Huanghua Sundering colony
61 Virginis 27.836 Othelia Sundering colony
Chi1 Orionis A 28.374 The Organic Ascension Alliance Omega - Federation member; New Shoots - Independent
Chi1 Orionis B 28.374 . Omega - Federation member; New Shoots - Independent
Beta Comae Berenices 29.998 Chloris Sundering colony
Theta Persei A 36.367 Bourgatov Federation colony
Theta Persei B 36.367 Bourgatov Federation colony
11 Leonis Minoris A 36.643 New Mars Federation colony
11 Leonis Minoris B 36.643 . Federation colony
Zeta1 Reticuli 39.285 Atlantis/Prometheus/Daedalus Federation colony
TRAPPIST-1 40.5 Resonance Sundering colony
Lambda Aurigae 40.973 New Gaia Federation colony
Iota Piscium 44.534 Lucida, system includes Corona Federation colony
Gamma Cephei A 44.977 Errai Federation colony
Gamma Cephei B 44.977 . Federation colony
Psi Capricorni 47.728 Eden Federation colony
20 Leonis Minoris 48.683 Halcyon Federation colony
104 Tauri 51.915 New Earth Federation colony
HD 55575 54.963 Nathan Federation colony
Gliese 830 57.802 Schaiffer's World Federation colony
Delta Leonis 58.430 Kiruna Federation colony
Delta Geminorum Aa 60.659 Wasat Federation colony
Delta Geminorum Ab 60.659 Wasat Federation colony
Delta Geminorum B 60.659 Wasat Federation colony
Gliese 230 60.663 New Callisto Federation colony
Lambda Arae 68.370 Ceres Mater Federation colony
HD 114853 81.568 Rufus Federation colony
Mu Capricorni 87.353 Pme chemu fus Federation colony
59 Draconis 89.269 Paz Federation colony
GJ 9840 91.797 Bullseye Federation colony

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev, Anders Sandberg and Steve Bowers
Updated August 2021 by Todd Drashner, MacGregor, The Astronomer, Rakuen07, Ryan B, Vitto, Selden
Initially published on 02 August 2000.
